Sunday, August 27, 2006

WILD RICE NEWS - June 2006 - Photos of the children on school steps, barn and home.

This issue has an alphabetical list of the names of the children who lived at Wild Rice Children's Home,Twin Valley, Minnesota from April 1899 to March 1931. The Home was founded in 1898 by the Norwegian Lutheran Synod. Children came from North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, Nebraska, Minnesota and Saskatchenwan and Ontario in Canada. It was located 4-1/2 miles east of Twin Valley, in Norman County, Minnesota. The first child was admitted in 1899. Altogether, 602 children lived at the Home, until it "burned to the ground" in 1931. The Home was never rebuilt, and the land was sold in 1948.

A - Aaserud, Albert, Joseph, Helmer; Amundson, Alfred, Clarence, Herbert; Andersen, Cleon Ernst, Lester Sherman; Anderson, Baby, Arvid, Carl, Emma, Martin, Mary, Murial, Robert, Walter; Aronson, Ester, Lloyd, Milton, Reuben. B - Balken, Halvor, Lars, Sievert; Barsted, Ralph; Benson, Lillian, Lily, Lloyd; Berg, Arthur, Borghild, Conrad, Ida, Lillian, Melvin; Bergley, Alfred, Bertha, Ella, George, Hazel, Hellen, Selma; Berglund, Lloyed; Bergquist, Edward; Bohn, Harold; Bollingmore, Arnold, Arthur, Ella, Elmer, Harold, Thea; Borge, Melvin; Branaman, Chester; Brazzell, Carroll; Esther, John, Margaret, Schilda; Brown, Jerome, Marian. C - Campos, Douglas; Canfield, Mildren; Carlson, Helen; Chapin, Chester; Chase, Irvin, Ivy, Fern; Chistohersen, Alfred, Emelie, Selma; Cosgrove, Frank, Fred, Harriet, William; Covertseon, Alta; Cusler, Maurie. D - Dahl, Christina, Gina, Inga; Donahue, Charles, Philip James, Robert. E - Egertson, Jordan Wennes; Eggen, Leonard; Eickler, Lowell Bryant; Enger, Odin, Arnold, Vernon; Ericksen, Arnold Theodor, Carl Benjamin, Jacob Arris; Erickson, George, Milton, William; Eschpeter, Earl. F - Fair, Herbert, Robin; Falaas, Nina, Tina; Falk, Elmer Edwin; Falleso, Mabel; Farstad, Kenneth, Russell; Fevig, Myrtle; Fjeld, Alice, Elmer, Hilda, Lawrence; Fogner, Ladvard; Forsland, Clifford, Katherine, Orleans, Richard; Fox, Viola; Fredricksen, Edna, Lillian, Mabel. G - Gronsdahl, Andreas Martin, Knut, Oleana Bertine; Grove, Arnold Judian; Guldbrandsen, Edwin, Glen, Minnie, Ruth; Gulligsrud, Cora, Gladys; Gundersen, Clara, Gertie, Annie, Lewis, Myrtle; Gunderson, Dagny, Gladys, Pearl, Twila, Walter; Gusk, Bernice; Gustafson, Carl, Elenor, Lillian; Gerg, Oliver; Glover, Clarence, Russell; Grantham, Ross; Grassman, Luella, Pearl, Marie, Myrthel; Griffin, Dorthea, Lyle; Grinde, Florence Thorine, Margaret, Norman, Roy Phillip, Russell Peter. H - Hagberg, Fridolphia, Quno Hest, Virginia, Vivian; Hagen, Bertha; Hagen, Earl, Ediwn, Elma, Gerhard, Magnus, Nina; Haldiman, Edith, Halvorsen, Carl, Peter, Ole, Curtis Wendel, Curtiss, Levaughn; Hammersmith, Donavern, Dorothy Mae, Lorriane, Winnifred; Hansen, Albert, Anna Marie, Ella, Gyda, Harold, Helmer August, Hjalmer Jul, James; Hanson, Handy, Helen, Kenneth, Magdalene, Morris, Virgil; Haugo, Hazel, Margarethe, Morris, Ruth; Hauske, Allen, Alma, Edwin Lillian, Manley, Marion; Hearn, James Johnson; Herbert, Emma, Harry, Ralph, Sara; Heibert, Elsie; Heiberg; Johnny, Harry; Lillie; Helseth, Lillie, Armanda, Hilda, Thomas; Hembre, Evelyn; Hendrickson, Oscar, Victoria; Henistad, Bruce, Eugene, Howard, Lyle, Warren; Herom, Elwood; Hjistad, Clara; Hilde, Anna; Hilstad, Marcus, Selmer, Sophie; Hofstad, Tome; Holen, Alice Eveline, Lawrence Arthur, Mabel Josephine; Holte, Earl, Isabelle, William; Hosford, Edwin; Hoyez, Laurence. I - Idel, Hilda; Iverson, Kenyon. J - Jackline, Ben, Melva, Robert; Jacobsen, Edwin, Frances, Gordon, Hazel, Joseph, Milo, Norman; Jennevive, Verie; Johnsen, Alice; Johnson, Amaila, Borghilde, Cora, Deborah, Helmer, Isabelle, Ingvald, Johan Markus, Ruth, Sidney, Tarjus Julius. K - Karum, Genevive; Kempfest, Mildred, Kiefert, Frieda, Kilpatrick, Mae, Carl, Lloyd, Robert; Kittlesen, Blance, Howard, Malla; Knutsen, Frank, Hartvig Richarc, John, Lena Martha, Marie, Oscar, Ruth; Knutson, Dewynee; Koppang, Agnes; Kortness, Dorothy, Grace, Irene, Pearl, Vivian; Kragerud, Allen, Norman; Krebs, Metha; Kvale, Alan, Gele, Telfred. L - LaBerge, Bernadette, Noel; Lamkin, Frances Amy, James, George, Joseph; Langseth, Alice, Carl, Earl, Pearl; Lanson, Anna, Frank Hugo; Largis, Alvin Elmore, Clarence H., Marie; Larsen, Alma, Arthur Fritjog, Clarence Gilbert, Gertrude, Eli, Elmer, Esther, Frans, Ida, Karla, Louise, Vera; Larson, Adolph, Archie, Arnold, Evelyn, Lloyd, Kenneth, Leonard, Margery, Ruby; Lawe, Dorthea, Evelyn, Frederick; Layer, Alvin; Lee, Esther, Robert, Rosella; Lethcoe, Bessie, Blanche; Lelum, Ottis; Lider, Ida Victoria, Lina Seline, Mabel; Liebeler, Arlo,Mabel Luella;Lindbert, Anna, Evelyn; Lindgren, Alice, Watler; Lockrem, Charles, Raymond; Lund, Lillian, Nellie; Lyden, Vernon; Lystad, George Palmer, Olga Fredrika, William Walter. M - Maseid, Rogna; Maudal, Alma, Emma, Melvin, Rudolph, Selma, Thomas; McCaskey, Earl, Margaret, Mary; McCasline, Henry, Martin Luther, Melberg, Clifford, Etheline, Gertrude, Erving, Morris, Norman; Merhiy, Ali, Evelyn, Joseph, Marian, Smylie; Mickelson, John, Sadie, Willie; Moen, Edwin, Myrtle; Mortensen, Arline, Dorothy, Florence, Gladys, Marcine; Motteberg, Inez, Inga; Mosebym Helmer, Laurence, Thomas; Myhra, Harold N - Narvesen, Arthur Lawrence, Carl, Lawrence, Martin Olai; Nelson, Clarence Tracey, Ella Francis, Frank, Florence, Leonard, Martin Claudius, William; Ness, Caroline, Katherine; Newstrom, Alice; Nordquist, Albert, Anna, Clara, Esther, Henfred, Rachel. O - Oeder, Beuland, Robert, Vernon; Olsen, Julius George, Alama Ovida, Anner Ingvald, Melvin; Olson, Ernest, John, Jr., John B., Melvin, Stella, Violet; Oren, Alfred, Walter. P - Parsons, Edward Harold, Frans Oscar, John Alfred; Pederesen, Alex, Alfred, Andred, Clara, Goovin, Henry, Nellie Louise; Peters, Donald, Peterson, Edelyn, Enevadeline, Leonard; Pikkarainen, Nestor; Pratt, Gerald, May Viola; Price, Dona Bell, Francis Willie. R -Ramelow, Norman; Ramstad, Bernice, Julius, Raynard, Thomas; Randolph, Amanda, Rogna; Rarden, Evelyn, Pearl; Ravine, Eva, James, Leonard; Reitan, Caroline, Henry, Inger, Stella; Ricer, Henry; Ricker, George; Rickhus, Alfre, Alice, Clara, Ed, Martin; Riggers, Lorene, Mildren; Rishdal, Robert Gordon; Robinson, Charles Benjamin; Rodin, Milton; Ronnie, Arnold, Melvin, Olger; Roen, Francis, Rolette, Victor; Roswell, Esther Mary, Rudh, Irene; Ruud, Bennie, Edwin, Harry, Martin; Ruth, Ann; Ryan, John Odin, Henry Martin. S - Sansness, Carl; Sawes, Charles, Sawyer, George William, Henry Walter; Schanaln, Ola Inez, Schmitt, Bertha, Frank, Lena, Rose; Sedburg, Orville; Shegstad, James, Minda, Norris, Selma; Simonsen, Lillian, Peter, Olaf; Skatvald, Clara, Herbert, Joseph; Skjefte, Alfred; Skogen Oscar; Smudson, Lillian, Sorenson, Alfred, Alvin,Archie, Bertha, Hjalmer, Lillian, Rudolph, Ruth; Stensen, Agnes, Ingvart, Judith; Sundahl, Henry. T - Tange, Carrie; Tange, Sigrid; Tennyson, Gena, Ida, Mabel; Tidahl, Alfred, Bert, Mary, Myrtle; Thompson, Anna, Esther Johnson, Gloria, Jeanette; Thoresen, Emma, Florence; Thorpe, Eddie Lawrence, Rolf William Magnus; Thorson, Anna, Lillian, Oscar; Thorstensen, Elmer Oliver, James Martin; Tollund, Lester Sherman, Clinton, Vernice; Turner, Charley; Tryhus, Minnie. V - Vangess, Pearl, Ralph; Viseje, Clarence, Ruth. W - Waller, Clarence Olbert; Wally Louise, Wam, Donald Kenneth, Wesley Hard: Watne, Allen, Alma, Ethel, Lloyd; Wauters, Arthur, Margaret; Williams, Emil Lewis, Henry Edward, Roy Adolph; Willman, John, Willson, Howard, Mylo; Winner, Norman


tmlandreth said...

Did anyone know the Tildahl children?

Lisa T said...

Please let me know if you find out any information on the Tildahl family

Unknown said...

My Grandmother was Alice Rikhus

Unknown said...

My Grandmother was Alice Rikhus