There were two reunions of children from Wild Rice Lutheran Children's Home, one in 1971 and one in 1981. Pictures and names are included in the newsletter.
Confirmation Photo (1930) inlcludes: Melvin Maudal, Ester Ovaldson, John Olson, Palmer Forsell, Evander Boreen, Richard Seeger, Mayneth Widme, Ethel Rogers Morken, Sophie Hilstad, Grace Kortness, Norma Kjos, Maxine Winters, Lilly Benson, Florence Mortensen, Lloyd Kvidt Aronson, Smylie Merhiy, Thomas Maudal, Ester or Rosetta Lee, Rev. B.L.Opdahl, Lillian Benson, Sndney Prestegaard.
Margaret Haugo Peterson says this time of year makes her think of the Wild Rice River, how when it would flood. "We had a little bridge that would wash out," she said. "Also, a dam that would have to be rebuilt so we could go swimming." Swimming at Wild Rice is one of her best memories, "we had so much fun."
"In the winter, we girls and boys would go downstairs to the gym and play games and sing," she added. Her mother, who was born in Norway, died when she was 5. Margaret, Ruth, 3, and Morris, 2, went to Wild Rice in about 1916. Hazel the baby stayed with a neighbor until she was 6, then joined the other Haugo children.
Margaret remembers learning to read and write in both Norwegian and English when she was in kindergarten and first grade. The teacher, Mrs. Hatzit, was Norwegian, but they spoke English when they played. "Christmas was like nothing I've ever seen again," Margaret continued. "It was the closest to heaven I ever came! The girls all had white dresses and white stockings, there was "no Santa Claus" we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ and all the songs were religious." Margaret later married and moved to Taylor Falls, Minnesota where she had five children, Raymond, Wayne, Stella, John and Roseyln.
1 comment:
My grand father and his brother and 2 sisters were in the home from 1920 to 1930. My grandfather's name was Alfred Walter Tildahl. My mother and father in laws currently reside in Twin Valley. I just found this information out very recently. My daughter is graduating from high school and i thought a picture of him in the home and the history of it would be a great gift for her. My grandfather passed away in 1983 i was 12 years old. I only remember bits of what he told me about the home. If anyone has pictures that would be great! Or if anyone knew him or his siblings.I do know he went to a reunion years ago maybe that will help. Thank you for your time.
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