Sunday, August 27, 2006


Photos: Gerda Larson Haglund, children Keith, Valdor, Yvonne and Marsha. Smylie and Marian Merhiy (1927), Marian Merhiy, Selma Maudal, Pearl Kortness, and Marian Brown (1931), school children from Wild Rice - May 25, 1928. Russell Glover, Mrs. N.O. "Ma" Skauge, and Florence Mortensen Glover - July 15,1961.

Gerda Larson Haglund sent the cover photo of the school children. She went to the Home in 1914, when she was 2, with her six brothers and sisters, Franz (12), Morris (6), Martin (5), Esther (8), Marta (4), and Ida (10). Her best memory of Wild Rice was working in the hospital when she was 9. She was allowed to play the piano and taught herself how to play. "Another favorite memory was learning how to swim--when the Skauge boys threw me in the water! I loved the movies we saw sometimes. I loved singing with Papa Skauge! I loved the apples and oranges we got at Christmas. These were good memories. I sang a solo when I was 9. I was adopted out two times, and each time returned. The first time because I was very sick, and second time because I was so unhappy. The child who was part of the family was very mean to me." Her worst memory was "standing in the hall as punishment because we girls were playing under the clothesline and our underpants were showing."

CREED OF THE HOME: Open the door for the children, Tenderly gather them in, In from the highways and hedges, In from the places of sin. Some are so young and so helpless, Some are so hungry and cold, Open the door for the children, Gather them into the fold. This song was also sung by the choir and was sent by Florence Mortensen.

1 comment:

tmlandreth said...

I'm glad you had wonderful memories of the home. My grandfather was there from 1920 to 1930. I only remember bits and pieces of what i was told. However it didn't seem like a wonderful place. Did you know him? His name was alfred walter tildahl?