Confirmation Class of 1925, minster is B.L.Opdahl
Some of the children pictured: Middle row of boys, 2nd boy from left is Albert Nordquist, 3rd boy Joe Merhiy, 4th boy James Hearn, 5th boy is Clarence Amudson. Martha Larsen (front row, black stockings) and Martha Krebs girl at the far right. Top row, 3rd boy from right, is Johnnie Jenson. Middle row, 3rd boy from right is Charles Turner. Others were: Pete Sorenson, Ester Nordquist, Melvin Runine, Evelyn Hamre, Hilda Ikel, Amanda Skjegstad, Edelyn Pederson, Lewis Gunderson, Milton Erikson, Chester Chapen, Ross Grantbon, Stella Olson, Alice Langseth, Dagny Gunderson,Myrtle Tildal, Melvin Berg, and Milton Rodlen.